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Work in Progress

The creation and development of my e-portfolio began as an assignment, something that I was required to do. What I’ve discovered, however, is that somewhere along the way, I started enjoying the process. Instead of the bare minimum, I began adding resources that I hoped others might find helpful in the event that I decided to share the portfolio with the world. I think about whether the organization and layout made sense to anyone but myself. I still don’t love blogging, but I feel as though I’m starting to find my voice, a trend that I hope improves with more writing. Best of all, I’ve found that I’m looking at my own work with a more critical eye. Instead of just posting a quick list, I’m stopping to consider whether there’s a better way to present the information, and that consideration has carried over to the school library website that I maintain.

While outsiders see the portfolio as it exists at any given moment, I’ve watched how it has grown and changed since its creation, and it has provided insight for me about how my learning has progressed. The portfolio will continue to evolve. I’m sure there will be posts and pages that I’ll look back on and shake my head; mistakes that I’ll make that will frustrate me to no end. But when it’s all said and done, I’ll have learned; not just how to build a website, but how to effectively communicate what I want with the world. I’ll have another viable platform for sharing information with not just the colleagues in my building, but those around the world.

I’ve chosen to organize the site as follows:

Learning Paths: my blog, which includes topics such as professional learning networks and portfolio design

What the Tech: my trials and errors with classroom technology like QR codes and screencasts

Past, Present, Future: an exploration of my history as a digital learner and librarian, and a learning manifesto that explains what I feel is most important about my work as a librarian

YA Lit: as a middle school librarian, I’m obsessed with young adult literature. This section includes links to reviews, trailers, reading lists, and more

About: a little about me, as well as contact information

As this site is a work in progress, I always welcome feedback. Please feel free to comment or use the contact form on the About page.

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